Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Dorian: The Aftermath

As Dorian, the second most devastating storm in recorded history to ever hit the Atlantic basin continues to terrorize and cause havoc up the Southeastern seaboard, residents of the Bahamas struggle to come to grips with the cataclysmic loss of life and property they've had to endure.  As fellow members of the human race, we offer our most heartfelt sympathies for the pain and suffering they have undergone and hope and pray for a speedy recovery from the material, physical and emotional strain that was foisted upon them.

A number of reputable relief organizations have already launched initiatives to search for, rescue, recover, and/or provide humanitarian and medical aid to the Bahamas and other areas affected by the storm.  Organizations include:

1. Red Cross

2. Global Giving

3. Yacht Aid "Operation Topaz"

4. Team Rubicon

There are others, and I hope you find one or more that inspires you to give to these poor people. Every donation is a welcome life-saving gesture, no matter how big or small. Thank you in advance for your generosity of spirit and compassion. God bless you.

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